Site Reconstruction In Progress

With some major software changes in the last few months, this web site layout has been suffering since last October.  The vendor I was using (and was about to upgrade) just changed to an expensive pricing model, so I started shopping for a new system and settled on this one.  

The good news is that will be a beautiful, professional web site with up to date, amazing projects and new launches planned.

The bad news is that in the meantime, it will be a construction site. I apologize for any issues this may cause in finding information. 

My priority is to get the basics of the site up to date in the coming month.  Thank you for your patience. It will all be worth it. 

I've realized much of my work over the last twenty years can be integrated into a set of really incredible concept releases.  Up until now they've been stand alone speeches and short books that, while interesting, were mostly stepping stones to a number of elegant concepts, as well as tools for new inventors.  

What comes next will be amazing. In the meantime, the links still work, even if the content formatting is a bit rough for now.  


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